Edition November 11th-12th, 2022

NOI Hackathon SFScon Edition



Wash Tag is a project based on the LHV challenge implying the use of RFID Tags applied to increase efficiency in the laundry process.


Our idea was to build an application able to recognise the clothes and their characteristics regarding their washing conditions. The problem identified was that sometimes it is difficult to understand which are the right settings for some piece of cloth, in particular when we are talking about special type of cloths, such as those made of wool, silk or just our favourite t-shirt. So, find the right settings for our clothes means also to preserve them.


Starting from this idea, we wanted to create new labels, software, and sensors for the washing machine, that could interact with one another to prevent bad washing cycles for our clothes. 

We wanted to use the RFID to store data, which is then read by the sensor and evaluated by the ESP32 micro-controller.

The ESP32 then hosts a website where the data is stored and can be accessed over the WIFI by any device.

All the system of components are enclosed by a compact 3D-printed case, our main prototype.


Then, all data recorded by the micro-controller would be accessible through a web application, which would have communicated with the washing machine though a wifi connection. This part is crucial for the achievement of the goal of the project, since the data recorded by the sensor and the one of the washing machine would have been compared so that any possible error for the cloth would be marked and given as a notification to the web app. In this way, we can detect the wrong cloth and remove it from the washing machine


Slides: https://slides.com/andreaparodi/wash-tag/
