We've done a few Hackathons so far and Hackathons are made of people.
Here you can find participants, jury, mentors and staff members of all the editions.
Software DeveloperINFOMINDS AG
Alex Untertrifaller
Maker SpaceNOI Techpark
Walter Weissensteiner
Enrico Zanardo
Software ArchitectNOI Techpark
Clemens Zagler
Gruppo FOS
Giovanni Giannotta
Software Application EngineerDSS Lab, EPU-NTUA
Giorgos Kormpakis
Gruppo FOS
Gabriele Scarton
Full-stack developerEngineering Ingegneria Informatica
Nicola Sergnese
General Manager & Software EngineerLifeware SA
Martin Unterholzner
Software Engineer in the Digital Signage DepartmentACS Data Systems SPA
Michele Zenatti
Center for Sensing SolutionsEurac Research
Roberto Monsorno
Embedded & System EngineerEwo
Diego Bernardi